Sunday, June 1, 2008

Will this day not end???

Today has been HORRIFIC. Okay, I know babies cry, but good LAWD the gnome has been INSANE today. She started at about 12ish, and is STILL being fussy now, EIGHT HOURS later. I am terrified about what the night will bring. I'm hoping since she really hasn't slept all day she'll be worn out and sleep well tonight, but I think that's probably asking too much.

At one point she was SCREAMING at the top of her lungs for like, fifteen minutes. NON STOP. She had no fever, she has been eating fine, her diapers have been filled at regular increments, and she has been burped after every meal and spit up accordingly. Interestingly enough, yesterday one of my parenting magazines addressed just this very thing (which has been going on for about two weeks now, every day roughly between 1-4 pm) and called it somewhat of a baby "witching hour" that many babies just lose their composure during and cannot be consoled. Weird. They also say it should end relatively quickly, maybe in a few weeks, but I'm praying it ends sooner than that. Please please PLEASE let it end sooner than that. I thought it was bad Friday when I called Nissa and burst into tears after four hours of crying. Little did I know... I was so young then...

My other news is that I bought a new pump today- the "pump in style," which I must say is a HUGE upgrade from the "swing" model. It's a double, so I cut my time in half right there. Then I cut it further because the pump in style is way more powerful and takes at least half the time the swing took and actually pumps out more milk! Heck, it's almost a pleasure to use ("almost" because it's still a breast pump). I also ordered one of those pump-bras that allows you to pump hands free, so I can sit here and work and pump at the same time! Life just got 99% easier.

Now I just have to remember to drink the water regularly instead of all at once when I realize I've forgotten to drink it for two hours.

Also, I saw something on one of the federal health websites about "pumping exclusively," which made me feel a bit validated and less weird. I was actually looking up how bad it would really be to quit breastfeeding entirely, but between that and what I read about the benefits of breastmilk, I'm going to try to stick it out for the long haul. I WANT to breastfeed- it was easier while it worked, but pumping is the next best thing, so I'm fine with that. And now with the new fancy pump, it will be a lot easier.

Ooh! The gnome is sleeping. For NOW. She's due to eat in 30, so...

1 comment:

Nissa Nicole said...

Well, Ms. T, I love ya, and well if you've got to call me crying I'm going to wait it out with you!

I'm proud of you for sticking with the breast feeding so long. YOu're doing such a great job.