Saturday, June 28, 2008


It still really hasn't hit me that I'm a mother. Most of the time I feel like the gnome is just this cute baby someone forgot here but will eventually remember and come back for. At best she is on loan, a lifelike doll, or part of a dream.

Maybe its my subconscious trying to tell me that she is a little person and thus not really "mine" but her own, or maybe that she won't be tiny and helpless forever- someday she'll grow up and feed herself, bathe herself, and leave me behind as she ventures out into the world.

In other news...

I am wondering what's up with the boppy pillow. You can buy all sorts of replacement covers for it, but none of them are waterproof. Mine is constantly soaked with milk drips and spit-up, so when when I wash the cover the pillow is still dirty. You can wash the pillow, but it takes so long to dry. What up, boppy?

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