Saturday, May 3, 2008

Welcome Home, Little Gnome

Lemme be frank with you. This is a "mommy blog". Nobody is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to read it, so if you don't want to, don't. I have other blogs about my personal life, but this one is for my 4 day old little girl, to chronicle her life and my life raising her. I am not doing this for money, but for a way to keep a running account of my motherhood experiences, and have a record to someday give my daughter. If I can reach out to someone else in a similar position or learn something from someone who's "been there", then even better.

My daughter was born on 4/29. I almost instantly nicknamed her "the gnome" because she was given a hat by the hospital that when not fitted properly to her skull resembled a gnome hat. She is my first born, and I had a hell of a pregnancy getting her here. She's only been alive for four days, and I'm already smitten. I have much more to say about the first four days, but I'll save that for later. Gotta go feed the gnome...

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