Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Aftrmath

My in laws visit went off without a hitch. Or so I thought.

Tonight my brother in law gave me an interesting look into what the in laws told him after our visit...

I am, in a word, PISSED.

Where to start...

First, they said if they'd had a say, there's "no way" the gnome would have been named what we named her. This isn't so surprising- that's why we didn't tell them what we were naming her until AFTER she was named it.

Then they said I had mentioned a dress their friends bought the gnome would be good for Easter (it was actually my mom) and they told my brother in law "there is NO WAY that baby is celebrating Easter- she'll be raised Jewish". Uh, no she won't. My husband is an atheist. I am at best agnostic. Why would we raise our child in any particular religion? To be fair, we plan on celebrating our favorite holidays from our respective religions (well, the ones we had as kids) but that's about it. The faith of the gnome will be up to her when she gets old enough to understand what religion is. I for one am SO offended that my MIL thinks she can just command us to raise OUR child the way She wants us to.

Then the MIL said she didn't know what to say to my mom and felt uncomfortable around her. I did notice the awkwardness, but what do you expect? My mom was here first- they came during her visit. The original plan was for them to come AFTER my mom left, but they chose to not wait. Thats what happens...

Then they complained about how my husband holds the baby and that she's "terrified" when he holds her. Uh, newsflash. She's not.

I would love if in the future they'd say this shit to my face instead of humiliating me by telling everyone BUT me and letting me be the last to know. We're both pissed, and honestly, I'm not sure how much more of this I'm willing to put up with.

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