Tuesday, May 27, 2008


The gnome is molting. Yes, molting. All the skin on her head seems to be peeling off at once. She doesn't have sunburn, it's just flaking off. It was fine until her bath last night. I scrubbed as hard as I could without hurting her (the doctor said I should to avoid cradle cap) but now she just has flaky skin all over. Poor gnome. I don't know how to treat it, because a lot of it is on her forehead, and I don't want to get lotion in her eyes.

In other news, I think she's growing up on me! She's getting to the stage where she's looking at things for long periods of time, and reacting to my voice when I speak to her. Before she would hear but not care, and now if i talk to her in a baby-voice when she's getting fussy, she'll calm down and give me what seems like a smile. Of course, she's 4 weeks old, so it's probably not a smile, but I like to tell myself that it is!

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