Thursday, May 22, 2008

Mommy is Bollocks.

I did something terrible. I dropped the gnome. I fell asleep with her on my chest and she rolled off and landed with a horrifying "thud" on the floor. Thank whatever GOD that may be out there we have carpet. I remember the thud and then a scream, and then my own screams for my husband, who I must say, rallied like a champ.

The gnome stopped screaming the second I picked her up and is fine. No bumps, bruises, lumps, cuts, etc. I touched her limbs, head and torso to see if she screamed in pain and she didn't. She landed on her side, which is better than, say, her head. She just ate and is alert and squirming in my arms per usual. We tried sleeping but she kept fussing and spitting out the paci and crying for it back.

God I suck. I am SO lucky. I am my father's daughter, apparently. When my sister was a baby my dad put her on the couch and went to get the phone. As soon as he left, she fell off. Of course, his "solution" was to STICK HER IN HIS WORK BOOT the next time the phone rang...

I feel awful. I am the worst mom ever. Bollocks.

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