Tuesday, August 26, 2008

How it Went...

Well, gnomer had her 4mo checkup yesterday! She weighed 14.8 and is up to 24" long! She is doing great!!! I'm really happy :D

I finally decided since my mom was there that I'd just wait outside during the vaccines. Apparently, though, the gnome only cried @ the last shot and was done almost instantly! So maybe I *do* stress her out.

She did not develop a fever, and slept quite well afterwards...

Today, however... Today was one for the record books! After we dropped my mom off @ the airport, we went to the office for our weekly meeting. Gnomer ate @ 9:45 and *should* have been good 'til almost 1pm, but she instead decided that noon was lunchtime and a horrific meltdown (perhaps the one she didn't have yesterday) was in order. She was screaming so forcefully she wasn't inhaling and I could see her tonsils vibrating!!! She was so loud the entire company heard her, and they actually sent someone upstairs to the conference room to make sure everything was ok!

Once we got home gnomette was a bit less fussy, but generally she's been a crank all day. She got like this last time she had vaccines, too, so I guess we can expect this for month 6, also...

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