Friday, August 15, 2008

It's happening.

So the shedding thing that everyone warned me about? Totally happening. Lucky for me I have a ton of hair so I probably won't miss most of it, but its SO weird to see it all coming out into my comb. I've been finding my hairs in the gnome's balled fist for a week now, but it's really starting to fall out these past few days. It just looks scary. Ugh.

The gnome is doing well. Right now she's lying in the play yard and babbling away. She has really been trying to roll from her back to her belly, so we'll see if that happens soon. I am also sad because she's getting too long for her bassinet. I measured her today and she was 23"! I think she has another inch or so to go before she's simply too long for the bassinet and has to use her crib, which is in her own room. I'm really not ready to keep her so far away from me yet. I know I'll be up all night listening for her, and worrying about what might happen in her room without me there.

I know I need to let go eventually, but why is parenthood so damn hard????

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